Work process
It will be a 4-month project. Firstly, all partners will attend a zoom meeting; the founder will introduce the project and partners will share their ideas about the project implementation.
The first month: partners will introduce themselves, their schools, and cities/countries with the web 2.0 tool decided together. There will be a pre-survey about the term Cosmopolitanism. The calendar and the internet safety rules will be decided together.
The second month: a professional video about Cosmopolitanism will be uploaded onto the "Pages" part on the eTwinning platform. Partners will share their ideas on Google Jamboard about the question “What does Cosmopolitanism mean for you?”
The third month: all partners will write a short story about their dream cosmopolitan city/school using Pixton. Two partner teachers will combine the stories in an e-book. On the forum page, partners will discuss cosmopolitanism vs nationalism and cosmopolitanism and humanism.
The last month: all partners will write a collaborative acrostic poem. There will be a Kahoot game with the questions from the forum page. Surveys and final products will also be planned together on zoom and chatroom meetings. Various social media and a blog will be used for communication.
Expected results
At the end of the project, the students will:
to have an active English-speaking environment
to improve the study skills of the students
to brainstorm
to get common products by bringing different ideas together
to collaborate with Turkish and foreign partners
to interiorize humanism
to be able to use web 2.0 tools
show respect to people from different countries and cultures
have a broader vision about studying or living abroad
have a better understanding of migrants
have an idea about the term “Cosmopolitanism” and the idea of “Global Citizenship”
be respectful of human rights
experience collaboration, discussion and research skills in a friendly atmosphere
be able to speak English more confidently
be able to use web 2.0 tools better